

What led the US to world war 1?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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8y ago

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Well it started with the sinking of the Lusitannia by a German submarine. The US pushed the German government into signing a treaty that made sinking non-warships illegal, and they must let the crew exit the ship before sinking it. The Germans agreed at first, then when they started loosing the war they restarted sinking US cargoships so that Britain and France would not get resources from the US.
Germany's unrestricted U-Boat policy which was killing US Citizens.
America didn't want to enter any war. The only reason that America entered WW1 was because a German proto-type sub sunk one of their cruise ships.
The German U-Boat attacks on US shipping in the Atlantic.

There was also the Zimmermann note, a telegram from the German foreign ministerto the German ambassador in Mexico that was intercepted by British agents. The telegramproposed an alliance between Mexico and Germany and promised that if war with the united states broke out, Germany would support Mexico in recovering lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, an Arizona.
The first primary cause leading to the entry of the United States into World War I was the loss of American lives and goods through the sinking of American ships by German submarines. The second primary cause, fueled by the first, was a sharp increase in resentment towards Germany for alleged and actual intrigue (such as a possible alliance with Mexico) and atrocities (such as their brutal treatment of Belgians in Europe).
A German U-boat sank a british liner Lusitania in 1915, with 128 Americans on board and the sinking of 7 U.S merchant ships by German submarines and the Zimmerman Telegram. U.S Congress declared war on Germany in April 6, 1917
What caused the Us to enter the war?

The Us entered WW1 because of the sinking of the Lusitania after the Germans torpedoed it. Another reason for entering the war was because of the Bolshevik Revolution. The Bolsheviks over threw the Russian Czar and took control of Russia. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ended Russia's participation in the war and gave large amounts of land to Germany.
The USA joined the war in April, 1917 mainly because of the German gamble of sinking supply ships heading to Britain.
These supply ships were mainly American and because of this, America eventually declared war.
Other things such as a general dislike of Germans at that time, Propaganda as well as already supporting Britain through trade brought about America entering the war
1. The USA wanted revenge for the sinking of the Lusitania, a transport ship travelling from New York to Britain. The Germans surrounded the Lusitania with their U-boat submarines and sunk it, killing every person on board.

2. The UK and France both owed America money, roughly two million dollars in total and if Britain and France were to lose, they would not be able to pay America back.

3. Propaganda from the UK also influenced America to join the war. By joining it got to show it's power and domination over the world.

4. The Zimmerman Note is what finally pushed America to join the war. The Note was a Telegram that was sent from the German Foreign Secretary to the German Ambassador to Mexico. It stated:

  • On the first of February, 1917, submarine warfare will be reinstated unrestrictively.
  • The US has to stay neutral.
  • Germany proposes an alliance with Mexico on the following basis: If the US goes to war, Mexico must fight on the home front in a financially supported alliance with Germany; If Mexico agrees to fight, they will reconquer New Mexico, Texas and Arizona.

The telegraph was intercepted by British Intelligence and transmitted to the American press by the Brits. This infuriated American citizens and so the Government had no choice but to join the war.

5. The Russian revolution was another reason but I don't know enough about it myself to tell you why.
The US joined WW1 because of the sinking of the Lusitania by the Germans. Another thing that caused US to joined that a telegram was sent to Mexico asking for them to attack US in exchange for land in Texas, California, Arizona, and Nevada

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