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Q: What land present day states was gained by the US in the treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo?
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What present day states ceded to the United states in Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?


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All of the folllowing present day states ceded to the US in the treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo except?


Treaty ending Mexican War and granting vast territories to the United states?

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo,

What is the significance of the treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo?

Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo was an 1848 treaty in which Mexico gave up California and New Mexico to the United States for 15 million

Which of these states is located in the area acquired by the US in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

All Western states

What states is located in the area acquired by the US in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?


Which of these states is located in the area acquired by the U.S. in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?


Why Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is important?

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the US-Mexican War in 1848. From this treaty the United States gained 500,000 square miles of territory and emerged as a major world power. However, the United States was rather arrogant while making this treaty, which kind of spoiled Mexico and American relations. It is one of the oldest treaties that is still in effect with Mexico and the United States.

How did the US get the land which is now Arizona?

The land that is now Arizona was originally part of Mexico. In 1848, it was ceded to the United States as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ended the Mexican-American War. Arizona became a separate territory in 1863 and was later granted statehood in 1912.

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo resulted in?

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the Mexican-American War in 1848. Mexico surrendered hundreds of thousands of square miles of land, which later became all or part of ten states: the State of Texas, which at the time of the Treaty included parts of Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Oklahoma and New Mexico, was well as Nevada, Utah, Arizona and the southernmost portion of California.

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo granted New Mexico to which nation?

The United States qualifies as such.