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Very few jobs were available for them. They may have not have been slaves, but discrimination still existed. The best job for an African American man was on a ship or working in the shipping industry. Some had farms and businesses, but life wasn't that easy for them even in the north.

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Q: What jobs were available to free slaves in the north?
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What jobs did slaves take when they became free?

beacause the new

Where did many freed slaves go to find factory jobs and jobs working in shipping?

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The slaves were trying to reach Canada and freedom. After Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, the Union troops were allowed to free Southern slaves, who followed the armies North and eventually got menial jobs in the camps. Some were allowed in uniform.

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The north feared that if slaves were freed, they would loose jobs because slaves would work for a lot less. This eventually did happen.

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Yes, there are a number of junior manager jobs available in North America. These jobs can be found in most any state you live. If you do a web search, you will see many to choose from.

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Finance jobs are available in every state in the north west United States. Banking jobs, as well as mortgage lending jobs are available in most every big city and town.

Why did slaves fight in the for the south but free African men fought for the north?

Very few slaves fought for the South. That was a desperate last-minute plan by Davis and Lee, much too late to make a difference. The slaves that were liberated by the Union troops followed the armies North, and were given menial jobs around the camps. Eventually some of them were allowed into uniform.

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Jobs available for the North East region include: Lab technician, project manager, electrical engineer, civil engineer, instrumentation engineer, and plant engineer.

Where can I go to find available jobs in North Carolina?

You can find jobs in north Carolina at the NC jobs dot com site. They have jobs from the tobacco industry to the university level jobs. Many to choose from that part of the country.

What were the similarities and differences between the situations of free blacks in the North and slaves in the South?

Similarities - limited/no rights; still discriminated; could not become citizens Differences - Slaves - treated as property; worked 12-14 hours Free Blacks - worked as servants by CHOICE; worked less hours; more jobs to choose from;

Why and when did slavery stop?

slavery stop because slaves went up north to get jobs and have a better life.