Depends on the condition of the coin. Typically a dollar or less for a worn specimen, more for better condition.
The monetary value of a one cent Cuban coin from 1853 is one cent. The numismatric value is another issue than could be answer by a numistatic expert.
The value of a 1942 one cent Lincoln American coin can vary depending on the mint, the condition, and the rarity of the coin. For an exact value, a person should have the coin graded by a professional.
The 1901 US Indian Head cent is not rare. The value of an average circulated coin is $1.00-$3.00.
An 1838 one-cent coin can be worth about $50 when in fair condition. If the coin is in excellent condition, it can hold a value of over $1000.
value of 1913 one cent uk coin
a cent coin.
Depends on the condition of the coin. Typically a dollar or less for a worn specimen, more for better condition.
one cent
The monetary value of a one cent Cuban coin from 1853 is one cent. The numismatric value is another issue than could be answer by a numistatic expert.
One cent.
The value of a 1942 one cent Lincoln American coin can vary depending on the mint, the condition, and the rarity of the coin. For an exact value, a person should have the coin graded by a professional.
1980 canadian one cent coin worth?
The 1901 US Indian Head cent is not rare. The value of an average circulated coin is $1.00-$3.00.
according to coin collecters in good condition it is worth betwen $25-65.
An 1838 one-cent coin can be worth about $50 when in fair condition. If the coin is in excellent condition, it can hold a value of over $1000.
It's still worth exactly one cent.