

Best Answer

Your bill should have a red seal and be either a silver certificate or a treasury note. As of 03/2015 approximate prices are:

Silver certificate -

Circulated: $150 to $500 depending on the bill's condition

Uncirculated: $850

Treasury Note -

Circulated: $125 to $300

Uncirculated: $550

Serial Numbers

A bill's serial number is a counter and a security feature. In most cases it doesn't affect a bill's value or help to identify it. Some collectors specialize in bills with low serial numbers (e.g. 00000005) or unusual patterns (12344321) so these can bring above-average prices.

DISCLAIMER: The values quoted are market averages as of the date shown, but may be different for an individual bill due to variations in quality and other factors. Also the wholesale (buying) price of a bill will be less than the selling (retail) price. A reputable currency dealer will be able to give a more accurate valuation based on an in-person inspection.

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Q: What is the value of an 1891 US 1 dollar bill?
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Please don't assume that because a bill is old it must be a silver certificate. The last US $20 silver certificates were printed in 1891. As you can see by the banner across the top of the bill and the green seal, your bill is a Federal Reserve Note. There's more information at the question "What is the value of a 1950 US 20 dollar bill?"

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Please check your bill again. The last $20 silver certificates were printed in 1891. If it has a green seal, then as indicated by the banner across the top of the portrait the bill is a Federal Reserve Note. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1928 US 20 dollar bill?" for more information.

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Please don't assume that every old bill must be a silver certificate. The last US $20 silver certificates were printed in 1891. As the green seal and banner across the top of the bill indicate, a 1934 $20 bill is a Federal Reserve Note. There's more information at the question "What is the value of a 1934 US 20 dollar bill?" .

What is value of 1963 US one dollar bill?

One dollar.

What is the value of the us dollar bill?

Please in a date.

How much silver is in a 1891 US silver dollar?

There is 24 grams of silver in a 1891 US silver dollar.

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The Bahamian Dollar is pegged 1:1 with the US Dollar, so a $1 Bahamas bill is worth exactly $1 US Dollar.

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The only bill fitting that description is a silver certificate. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1923 US 1 dollar silver certificate?" for more information.