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More information is needed. Are you referring to one of the following?

> An American large cent, with a Liberty head design

> An American small cent, with a flying eagle design

> A British penny, with a picture of Britannia on one side and Queen Victoria on the other

Please post a new question with that information, plus a short description of how worn the coin is. Thanks.

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Q: What is the value of an 1856 penny?
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Joshua Penny was born in 1856.

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Look at the coins again. No Flying Eagle cents are dated 1886 or 1909. They were only struck from 1856 to 1858.

What is the value of a 1856 Indian head penny?

Look at the coin again, Indian Heads were first struck in 1859. Post new question.

What is the value of an 1856 Indian head penny?

Please check your coin again and post a new question. Indian head cents were minted from 1859 to mid-1909.

When was the 1856 penny made?

No wonder the rest of the world laughs at us...

What is the value of an 1856 US penny?

Assuming it's a large cent, the coins seen heavy use and wide circulation. One that shows a lot of wear has a value from $15.00 to $35.00. If it has only slight wear, it can have a value of $100.00 to $175.00.

Did a King George Penny exist in 1856?

No. Queen Victoria was on the throne from 1837 to 1901.

What penny came before the Indian head penny?

Prior to that was the Flying Eagle cent, which was only minted for three years (1856-58).

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This is not enough information to give an accurate value amount. Need to know 'Type' of penny, 'Date' of penny and 'condition' of penny.