Assuming the coin is circulated and has no mintmark, the 1887 Morgan is a high mintage common date, retail values are $30.00-$39.00 depending on the grade of the coin.
Please look at the coin again. No 1887 Morgans exist with CC mintmarks.
Assuming no mint marks value is $20.00 in VF-20 to $40.00 in MS-60
What is the value of an 1864 silver dollar.
Assuming you are asking about a 1887 Morgan silver dollar. Circulated coins are valued at $30.00-$40.00.
Assuming the coin is circulated and has no mintmark, the 1887 Morgan is a high mintage common date, retail values are $17.00-$26.00 depending on the grade of the coin.
August 2011>> As of August 2011 the value of a 1887 US dollar graded MS-63 is $73.
According to coin trackers it is estimated the value is an average of 34.00.
Please look at the coin again. No 1887 Morgans exist with CC mintmarks.
Please rephrase this question and post a new one.
The coin is worth about $14.00 as of today just for the silver, if it's in a collectible circulated condition, value is $17.00-$26.00. For Morgan dollars 1887 is a very common year.
1887 is not considered a rare date for Morgan dollars. In MS-62 grade, it is currently worth about $30.00
1887 is a common date Morgan retail values are $17.00-$26.00 for circulated coins. Uncirculated start at $30.00
There were no silver dollars struck at Carson City in 1887. Any 1887 dollar with a CC mint mark is a counterfeit.
1 dollar
Recheck your date -- there were no silver certificates dated 1887.
Assuming no mint marks value is $20.00 in VF-20 to $40.00 in MS-60
What is the value of an 1864 silver dollar.