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Walking Liberty halves were struck at 3 different mints over the period 1916-1947. Nearly all of these coins have been valued on this site, so look for a question like "What is the value of a (date) US half dollar?" for more information.

If its date is 1916 the mint mark will be under the motto In God We Trust. 1918 and later will be on the back at the 8:00 position. 1917 could be in either place. Possible mint marks are

blank (none) = Philadelphia

D = Denver

S = San Francisco.

Be careful to distinguish these coins from the larger 1-oz bullion pieces issued since 1986 that use the same design on the front.

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Q: What is the value of a Walking Liberty half dollar?
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What is the value of a silver 1945 half dollar Liberty coin?

It's a Walking Liberty half dollar with a value of about $13.00

What is the value of a 1945 silver LIBERTY half dollar minted?

It's a Walking Liberty half dollar with a value of about $13.00

Value of 1944 liberty dollar?

There is no 1944 liberty dollar. There is a 1944 liberty walking half dollar. The average value of these is about 10-12 dollars.

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It's a Walking Liberty Half Dollar not a Standing Liberty half dollar and the value is about $6.00

What is the value of the 1936 Walking Liberty half dollar coin?

7-15-11>>> In average condition a 1936 Walking Liberty half dollar is valued at $18.00.

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A slabbed 1946 Walking Liberty half dollar has a current average retail value of $138.00 in MS-65

What is the value of a 1928 Walking Liberty half dollar?

one hundred dollars

What is the value of a 1954 walking liberty half dollar?

Please check your coin again. It's either not 1954 or not a Walking Liberty half. Halves dated 1916-47 carried the Walking Liberty design. Benjamin Franklin's image was on the half dollar from 1948 to 1963.

Is a walking liberty half dollar the same as a standing liberty half dollar?

There is no true Standing Liberty half dollar. They are properly called Walking Liberty half dollars. But if you are asked to buy a Standing Liberty half dollar you can be safe to assume that it is a Walking Liberty. Review the Standing Liberty quarter and see that the figure is in an obvious 'standing' stance whereas the Walking Liberty appears to have motion.

What is the value of a 1944 D Walking Liberty half dollar?

Average circulated Walking Liberty half dollars from 1940 to 1947 regardless of Mintmarks are valued at $14.00.

What is the value of 1923 silver half dollar?

Value depends on if it's a Walking Liberty half dollar or a Monroe Doctrine half dollar, both are dated 1923 and both have "S" mintmarks.