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Your bill should also have a large eagle above the pictures of Lincoln and Grant. If so, your bill is usually called a "black eagle note".

Without knowing its condition and which signature combinations are on your bill, it's difficult to estimate a value. The most common ones sell for $45 to $150 if circulated, and $250 to $400 if uncirculated. Given those price ranges, your bill would have to be examined in person by a knowledgeable dealer or appraiser to get a more specific value.

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Q: What is the value of a US 1 dollar silver certificate with Lincoln and Grant but no date?
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What is the value of a silver certificate with eagle and picture of Lincoln and grant paper dollar bill?


What is the value of a 1890 one silver dollar certificate in very good condition?

AFAIK there were no silver certificates issued bearing the 1890 date. Could you please provide more information including a brief description of the note?

What is the value of a US 1 dollar silver certificate with Lincoln and Grant?

These bills are generally known as Black Eagle bills because of their reverse design. Please see the Related Question for more information.

What president is on a US 1 dollar silver certificate?

The familiar portrait of George Washington appeared on all US $1 silver certificates from the 1923 to 1957 series. Prior to that, other individuals and presidents including Lincoln and Grant appeared on $1 silver certificates.

Whose picture is on a US 1 dollar silver certificate?

$1 silver certificates printed during the 20th century carried the familiar picture of George Washington. Earlier $1 silver certificates had pictures of Ulysses S. Grant and Abraham Lincoln, Martha Washington, or allegorical figures.

What is the date of a US 1 dollar silver certificate with Lincoln and Grant on the front?

The series date for these bills is 1899, although they were printed into the 1920s. The date is difficult to find. If you look closely, it should be in very tiny print just before the words "Payable to the" at the left of Lincoln's portrait.

Whose picture is on the 1899 certificate?

Lincoln & Grant

Did Abraham Lincoln ever appear on a US 1 dollar bill?

Yes. $1 silver certificates printed with the date 1899 carry a portrait of Lincoln and of Ulysses S. Grant.

What is a one dollar silver certificate with lee and grant on it worth?

you need more information like the date, signitures, and type of note (ie: United States note)

What is the value of a Ulysses S. Grant gold silver dollar.?

One dollar.

Is there a dollar bill with president Lincoln and president grant on the same bill?


How much is an one troy pund issue o4 august 1886 5 silver dollars bar grant certificate with Jordon signature?

The question is not clear. Is it a certificate for a silver bar? Or a bar of silver? Post new question.