The US didn't print any $2 bills dated 1977. In any case, $2 bills issued since 1976 are all current circulation notes and are worth face value only, unless they are in original uncirculated condition.
Sorry, there is no such bill.
In average condition it has no extra value. A crisp, uncirculated 1977 US $20 bill might retail for all of $22 or $23. A dealer will only pay face value.
I have a 1977 $100 bill and want to know the current value of it
Please post a new, separate question with the bill's denomination.More information may be available at the following questions:"What is the value of a 1963 US 1 dollar bill?""What is the value of a 1963 US 5 dollar bill with a green seal?""What is the value of a 1963 US 10 dollar bill?""What is the value of a 1963 US 20 dollar bill?"
As of 02/2011 a circulated US $100 bill would retail for about $105. A nice uncirculated one could bring $120.
Sorry, there is no such bill.
Realistically, it's still worth one dollar.
It's a novelty item and not a genuine US bill, so it has no value to banknote collectors.
In average condition it has no extra value. A crisp, uncirculated 1977 US $20 bill might retail for all of $22 or $23. A dealer will only pay face value.
In average condition it has no extra value. A crisp, uncirculated 1977 US $20 bill might retail for all of $22 or $23. A dealer will only pay face value.
In average condition it has no extra value. A crisp, uncirculated 1977 US $20 bill might retail for all of $22 or $23. A dealer will only pay face value.
I have a 1977 $100 bill and want to know the current value of it
Despite its age, in circulated condition it has no added value. Uncirculated, it might sell for all of $1.25
No such bill
Please post a new, separate question with the bill's denomination.More information may be available at the following questions:"What is the value of a 1963 US 1 dollar bill?""What is the value of a 1963 US 5 dollar bill with a green seal?""What is the value of a 1963 US 10 dollar bill?""What is the value of a 1963 US 20 dollar bill?"
As of 02/2011 a circulated US $100 bill would retail for about $105. A nice uncirculated one could bring $120.