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The US didn't print any $5 bills dated 1976. Please check again and post a new question.

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Q: What is the value of a 1976 US 5 dollar bill?
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1976 us dollar value?

All circulated bicentennial dollars are worth one dollar.

Where can you go to cash a 1978 2 dollar bill?

The US never made any $2 bills with that date. If you have a 1976 $2 bill it's legal tender and can be spent anywhere. It has no added value.

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The exact value of a 1930 US ten dollar bill would actually depend on a couple different things. The most important of these things would be the condition of the bill.

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The US didn't exist in 1532.

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In circulated condition, $2 bills dated 1976 and later are only worth face value. Feel free to spend any you get. Even uncirculated, a 2009 bill would only retail for an extra 50 cents or so.

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Irish people call the US Dollar bill, a dollar or a dollar bill.

Are us dollar bill notes from 1980 worht anything more than the face value?

No, they shouldn't be.

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What is the value of a C series US 20 dollar bill?

Please post a new, separate question with the bill's date and seal color.

What is the value of a 1920 US 5 dollar bill?

Please check your bill again and post a new, separate question. No US $5 bills were printed with the date 1920.

What is the value of a Series A US 5 dollar bill?

The series letter alone isn't enough to provide an estimated value. Please post a new, separate question with the bill's date.