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Assuming you're referring to a 1944 U.S. dime, the proper name for it is either Winged Liberty Head Dime or Mercury Dime. 1944 is a common date for Mercury dimes. In circulated condition, its value is based only on the silver it contains -- currently about 50 cents. Even nice uncirculated ones are generally only worth $4-$6 My guess is a Canadian dime with the portrait of King George. Still a common coin and worth even less than the US Mercury dime.

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Q: What is the value of a 1944 prince dime worth?
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How much is a 1944 US prince dime worth?

A US dime dated 1944 is a Mercury head dime, it's very common with a likely value of $2.00 just for the silver.

What is the current value of 1944 Lady Liberty dime?

A '44 Mercury dime is worth about $2.50.

What is value of a 1944 dime?

a 1944 dime isn't rare for that year.a d mark is worth about a $1,a p mark is $1 and a s mark is about 2 or 3 dollars. <><><> ANY 90% silver US dime is worth $3.44 for the SILVER content as of this morning. In addition to any collector's value. 4/25/11

How much is a 1944 susan b Anthony dime worth?

That's either 1979 or 1999, because none were made in 1989. Either way, it's only worth one dollar.

How much is a 1944 dime worth?


How much is a 1944 us dime?

A US dime dated 1944 is a Mercury head dime, it's very common with a value of $2.00 just for the silver.

What is the value of 1944 dime?

A 1944 mercury dime is worth $________ if it is in G4 condition- $1.25, F-12 condition $1.50, VF-20 $2.00, EF-40 condition, $4.00, MS-60 condition $10.00. There were 231,410,000, 1944 dimes minted that year.

What is the value of a 1989 Score Tom Prince card number 626?

This common card is worth less than a dime.

Value of 1944 dime?

$1 in circulated condition.

Why is the half dime called a half dime?

Because the value of it is worth half the value of a dime.

What is the value of a 1944 cut-out mercury dime?

Novelty coins have no numismatic collectible value.

What is the value of a 1944 fine Mercury Dime?

About $2.20 for the silver content. If it is only in fine condition, it is such a common year it is worth no more than melt.