1935 wheat cents are common, most are 3 to 10 cents.
Average value is 3 to 10 cents.
In average circulated grades the value is less than one dollar.
what is the value of a 1912 lincoln wheat penny
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1935 wheat cents are common, most are 3 to 10 cents.
Average value is 3 to 5 cents
Average value is 3 to 10 cents.
In average circulated grades the value is less than one dollar.
what is the value of a 1912 lincoln wheat penny
Please see
Please see
Please see
vlue of a 1919 wheat back penny
About $0.25.
They did not make 1968 wheat pennies.
The good news is yes the bad news is not much over face value of course this depends on the condition of the coin. 1935 Lincoln cents are valued between $0.15 to $7.