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The 1934 series only extends to the letter D. You may be confusing the Federal Reserve Bank letter with the series letter; that's next to the date, not in the center of the seal.

Please see the question "What is the value of a 1934 US 20 dollar bill?"

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Q: What is the value of a 1934 G US 20 dollar bill?
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Please look at your bill more closely; the date should be 1934. There's more information at the question "What is the value of a 1934 US 20 dollar bill with HAWAII on it?"

What is the value of a 1934 Hawaiian 20 dollar bill?

Your bill isn't really from Hawaii. It was printed during WWII for use in that territory. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1934 US 20 dollar bill with HAWAII on it?" for more information.

What is the value of a 1934 E US 20 dollar bill?

D was the highest series letter for a 1934 $20 bill. You're probably looking at the Federal Reserve District letter, not the series letter which is next to the date. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1934 US 20 dollar bill?" for more information.

What is the value of a 1935 US 20 dollar bill with HAWAII on it?

Please check your bill again. The date should be 1934. The only bills dated 1935 were $1 silver certificates. There's more information at the question "What is the value of a 1934 US 20 dollar bill with HAWAII on it?"

What is the value of a 1934 J US 20 dollar bill?

The highest series letter for 1934 $20 bills was D. You may be looking at the Federal Reserve District letter rather than the series letter - the series letter is by the date. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1934 US 20 dollar bill?"

What is the value of a 1934 US 20 dollar silver certificate?

Please don't assume that every old bill must be a silver certificate. The last US $20 silver certificates were printed in 1891. As the green seal and banner across the top of the bill indicate, a 1934 $20 bill is a Federal Reserve Note. There's more information at the question "What is the value of a 1934 US 20 dollar bill?" .

What is the value of a US 20 dollar bill with a brown seal?

There are many varieties of US $20 bills that have brown seals, but only two types were printed in the 20th century - the 1929 series of National Currency Notes and the 1934 series of wartime currency printed for use in Hawaii.Please see the questionsWhat is the value of a 1934 US 20 dollar bill with HAWAII on it?What is the value of a 1929 US 20 dollar bill?

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What is the value of 1934 C Hawaii 20 dollar bill with a red seal?

Please check your bill again. All HAWAII-overprint bills had brown seals rather than red, and "A" was the highest series letter used on $20 bills. There's more information at the question "What is the value of a 1934 US 20 dollar bill with HAWAII on it?".

When was the first 20 dollar bill made?


What is the value of a 1934 US 20 dollar bill with a red seal?

No 1934-series $20 bills had red seals.If the seal color is brown and the word HAWAII is overprinted on both sides, your bill is a special issue printed during WWII for use in Hawaii under threat of invasion by the Japanese. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1934 US 20 dollar bill with HAWAII on it?" for more information.