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what is the value of a 1912 Lincoln wheat penny

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Q: What is the value of a 1912 wheat penny?
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What is the value of a 1912-D Lincoln wheat penny?

At least $4, more in better condition.

1912 wheat penny?

Average value is $1.00-$3.00 for most lower grade coins.

What is the value of a 1912 Indian penny?

The last Indian Head cents were made in 1909. The coin that you have is called a Wheat cent. Please ask a new question about the value of a 1912 Wheat penny. If no answer comes up see the related answers section. If there is still no answer post the question to the community and wait for the answer.

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What is the value of a 1968 wheat penny?

They did not make 1968 wheat pennies.

What is the value of a 1912 s penny?

The value of a 1912 s penny depends greatly on the condition of the penny. In poor condition, it is only worth a penny, but in very good condition it may be worth $10 or more.

What is the average value of a wheat penny?

The average value of a wheat penny is about 50 cents. Many of these are very common and not worth much more than a dollar.

Wheat penny value?

Wheat penny's range in value from one cent to more than $1,000.00. Please be more specific and post new question.

What is 1500 wheat penny's worth?

1500 wheat penny's have a face value of $15.00. The collectible value depends on the dates and condition of the coins. Most Wheat cents are valued at 2 cents.

What is a 1938 copper penny worth?

The value of the 1938 wheat penny varies by condition. This wheat penny can be worth 35 cents to 12 dollars.

What is the Value of a 1972 wheat penny?

The last "Wheat Penny" was made in 1958, a cent date 1972 is just a cent.