I think you mean 1776-1976. None of the bicentennial coins made for general circulation contain any silver or are worth more than face value. Only Proof and collectors coins sold from the US Mint are worth more.
A 1967 Washington quarter has no silver and is face value.
The 1861 Liberty Seated quarter has a average starting value of $25.00. But if it's a 2005 Kansas State quarter, just spend it.
No 1957 quarter is rare and I have no info on grade but the scrap value is about $3.00 each.
It's just a quarter spend it.
It's just a quarter spend it
is there a value on a canadian 1964 quarter
The value of a 1951 quarter will value depending on the condition and where it was minted. The value ranges from 3.52 to 4.30.
A US quarter has a face value of 25 cents.
A 1967 Washington quarter has no silver and is face value.
There is no such thing as a 1914 quarter.
In the year 2000, the value of the quarter dollar which is 25 cents was $0.25.
I believe that a 1922 quarter is made of almost pure silver with a value of about $3
a quarter
It's just a quarter spend it.
1976 from high school.
the value of a quarter that was never printed is $0.00. since it was not printed it cannot exist and since it does not exist it has no value.
The 1861 Liberty Seated quarter has a average starting value of $25.00. But if it's a 2005 Kansas State quarter, just spend it.