1907 is the highest mintage year of the Indian Head cent series, Values for average coins in collectible condition is $1.00-$3.00
A 1907 Indian Head cent in average condition has retail values of $1.00-$3.00 depending on the grade
How much is this coin worth? Republique d'haiti 1907 50 cent piece value?
The value of a 1907 United States one cent coin depends on its condition and rarity. In general, a common 1907 one cent coin is worth around $1 to $3. However, if the coin is in exceptional condition and is rare, it could be worth significantly more to collectors.
Retail value of a 1907 Liberty Head nickel is $3.00-$5.00 for average circulated coins
One cent
The earliest Lincoln cent is 1909. There is no such thing as a 1907 Lincoln cent.
No gold US one cent coins were ever made.
A 1907 Indian Head cent in average condition has retail values of $1.00-$3.00 depending on the grade
How much is this coin worth? Republique d'haiti 1907 50 cent piece value?
The value of a 1907 United States one cent coin depends on its condition and rarity. In general, a common 1907 one cent coin is worth around $1 to $3. However, if the coin is in exceptional condition and is rare, it could be worth significantly more to collectors.
If the coin is a US Indian head cent dated 1908, average value is $1.00-$3.00
Retail value of a 1907 Liberty Head nickel is $3.00-$5.00 for average circulated coins
Sorry no steel 1 cent coins dated 1907, only 1943.
one cent
one cent
Scott 329 was an early commemorative picturing the landing at Jamestown. This 2 cent stamp was issued in 1907. It can be purchased in mint condition for $47.50 and used for $3.75.
Britain has never produced a "cent" coin, whole, fractional or otherwise.