Values for circulated coins are $1,400.00-$1,740.00 depending on the grade.
Your 1896 Morgan dollar is worth about $10.00 to $30.00 in circulated condition.
If the coin is a U.S. silver dollar dated 1896, it's a Morgan dollar and miss Liberty looks to the left, not the right. But a 1896 Barber half dollar faces the right. Look at the coin again and post new question.
It is called a "Barber" quarter, named after the person who designed it. It's value varies greatly from $13 to $100,000 depending upon the condition of the coin and the mint mark.
$15 to $21,000 depending upon the condition of the coin.
If it has one, it is on the reverse just above DO in DOLLAR.
I would like to find the value of a 1896-0 liberty dollar value
Your 1896 Morgan dollar is worth about $10.00 to $30.00 in circulated condition.
Assuming the coin is circulated and has no mintmark ,your 1896 MORGAN DOLLAR is common. Value is $17.00-$26.00 NOTE: No US coin is a Lady Liberty coin.
Mercury dimes were made from 1916 to 1945. A dime from 1896 would be called a Barber dime after its designer Charles Barber, or a Liberty dime. See the Related Question for values.
50-100 USD
If the coin is a U.S. silver dollar dated 1896, it's a Morgan dollar and miss Liberty looks to the left, not the right. But a 1896 Barber half dollar faces the right. Look at the coin again and post new question.
1896 K = 1622.85 deg Celsius.
It is called a "Barber" quarter, named after the person who designed it. It's value varies greatly from $13 to $100,000 depending upon the condition of the coin and the mint mark.
$15 to $21,000 depending upon the condition of the coin.
50-75 or so
If it has one, it is on the reverse just above DO in DOLLAR.
Three different denominations of silver certificates are dated 1896. Please determine what you have, then look for the questions "What is the value of an 1896 US [denomination] dollar silver certificate?" for specific information.