1000 Dollars
What cost $1000 in 1860 would cost $23594.24 in 2009.
the territory of montana 1863 coin is 600 to 1000 dollars due to its rareity.
In 1857, 1000 of anything was worth exactly 1000.
Depending on condition a 1841 quarter can be worth 25 to 1000 dollars. it has to be in uncirculated condition for it to be worth 1000 dollars.
$1000 in 1970 was equal to $6,202.24 in 2016 dollars.
As of today (02APR2011), 1000 Euros is worth about 1373.15 Canadian Dollars.
1000 dollars
As on today's exchange rate, 1000 won is equivalent to 7.14 US dollars.
If you mean what is 500 dollars in 1965 equivilant to in today's money value then the answer is about 3,600 dollars. If you mean what is 500 dollars in today's money equivilant to in 1965's money value then it is about 68 dollars.
1000 Dollars
What is the value today of 1000 pounds English currency for the turn of the 16th century
If you would have gotten 10% interest, your money would have doubled every 7 years.
What cost $1000 dollars in 1960 would now cost $6,929 dollars.
£1000 is $1,213.50 (1/10/17)
You buy citi group stock today.