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The most correct line was the Missouri Compromise Line.

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Q: What is the name of the invisible line that separates slaved and free states?
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What did the northern and southern economies have in common in the 1800s?

The Northern wanted to be a new and free state with no slave labor. On the other hand the southern wanted the new states to be slaved states.

Is New Jersey a slaved state or a free state?

During the civil war it was free

Was New Hampshire a slaved state or a freed state?

Pretty sure it was a free state most New England states abolished slavery well before the Civil War

What invisible line separated the north from the south?

The Mason-Dixon Line is the invisible line that historically separated the northern and southern states in the United States. It was surveyed in the 1760s and came to represent the cultural and political divide between the free states in the North and the slave states in the South.

How did slaved become free in the US?

By means of Lincoln's wartime proclamation, followed by an amendment to the US constitution.

The Mason-Dixion Line was commonly seen to separate?

this is an imaginary line that separates the northern (free) states from the southern (slave) states in America...

What is the meaning behind the song 'Feeling Good' bye Nina simone?

Blacks/African Americans being free and not being in slaved anymore

How do you get an invisible cube in free rider 2?

Running into it.........................................................TROL:)

What invisible hand directs the free market?

Incentives and efficiency

Was madam cj walker slaved?

I slave madam cj walker so i'm bad

What plan proposed that every five slaved person would count as three free persons?

The plan proposed was outlined in the Three-Fifths Compromise of 1787, which stated that for the purposes of representation in Congress and taxation, every five enslaved persons would count as three free persons. This compromise was included in the United States Constitution.