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A person whose business was catching escaped slaves to return them to their owners was called a "slave catcher."

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Q: What is the name of a person who caught runaway slaves and returned them to their owners?
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After Uncas went after the person who shot at Chingachgook he returned to the campsite and informed the others that he had killed an Indian of which tribe?


When African Americans returned home after a war what were they faced with?

I am a black person and therefore know much about my culture. During the return of blacks after war they were faced with slave codes.

What would happen if slaves were caught when trying to escape?

They would either be taken back to their owner, and the owner would most likely torture them to death, or the person who caught them would kill them on the spotDuring 1700-1800s...they will get whipped (with a whip or piece of leather) or/and part of their foot cut off. OUCH!They'd do this in front of other slaves as a lesson, or threat, to them. The white slave owners knew that if the slaves knew this would happen, they'd be less likely to want to escape.Usually, if it was only the first time a slave had run away, they'd just get whipped, but any more times and "off with the toe", or if not- worse.During the era of slavery, slaves were not considered as fully human. According to history, slaves were considered as three quarters human. Therefore, the Slave owner could choose extremely violent punishments without conscience.they would get their feet or hands cut off and they would not get food or sleep for 24 hours and if the male gets caught they get their testicals chop offThey would be horribly punished or beaten to death if they did not follow their owners commandsThey were whipped normally by other slaves while the white man was watching and if that slave was caught running away again then theyy would cut bits of the slave offThey were usually beaten to discourage further escape. There are some stories of shackling them much like was done with chain gang prisoners.Terrible things. There was nothing worse for a slave than escaping, but being discovered or caught by slavecatchers. Most of the time, they would get severely whipped, part of their tongue would be cut off to prevent speech (so others wouldn't know how to escape), or chains around the feet or neck to prevent escaping a second time.Running away was always very difficult to do, because everywhere in the south, there would be slavecatchers. In Ohio even, looking for a fat reward for runaway slaves.Lots of times slaves would get hurt by being whipped or even getting shot in the foot. This does sound quite cruel but thank god that this still doesnt happen in life todaythe slave was returned and badly punished. but the slave catcher was rewarded with money.If a slave tried to escape from a Southern state, they might be killed, or at the very least, beaten and returned by to their master. Most slaves were not freed until the end of the war.If they were foung while trying to escape they be brought back to their master to get beat, whipped, sometimes they cut their ankle and took out a part that we use to walk, or they even got killedfoot or hand cut off, deprived of food and sleep for 24 hours and the either castrated or burntit depends on the owner, they would be most likley be cuffed to the ground at their ankles and wipped, and if they kept doing it, they might have been killed

What is the Fugitive slave act of 1850 and what was the significance of the act?

Under the Fugitive Slave Law, any person arrested as a runaway slave had almost no legal rights. Many runaways fled to Canada rather than risk being caught and sent back to their master. The Fugitive Slave Law also said that any person who helped a slave escape, or even refused to aid slave catchers, could be jailed. Both sides were unhappy with the Fugitive Slave Law, though for for different reasons. Northerners did not want to enforce the law. Southerners felt the law did not do enough to ensure the return of their escaped property (slaves; slaves were considered property). Hope this helps! Source: History Alive! The United States Through Industrialism Textbook (TCI)

Why shouldn't slave owners own slaves?

Because every human is born with god given rights. They have the rights that were given to then by god and can not be taken away by people and used as property. Every person has freedom and rights.

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What does no person held to service of labor in one state mean?

Runaway slaves were to be returned to their masters as they cannot escape the service or labor entitled to them.

Can you be charged with harboring a runaway if the other person was never filed as a runaway?

Technically, you cannot be charged with harboring a runaway if the person has not been classifed as a runaway. However, if the person is found in your possession and they have no reason to be with you, then the police have every reason to question you.

Can parents of runaway press charges against you for harboring a runaway?

Yes, parents of a runaway can press charges against someone for harboring a runaway if they believe that person helped or knowingly allowed the runaway to stay away from home. Harboring a runaway is considered a crime in many jurisdictions.

Who was the Runaway Genius and why was this person so called?

The runaway genius is Benjamin Franklin.

Can someone be charged with harboring a runaway if the other person was never filed as a runaway?

Typically, charges for harboring a runaway require proof that the individual was indeed a runaway. If the person was never reported as a runaway to the authorities or officially filed as one, then it would be difficult for law enforcement to press charges of harboring a runaway. However, legal nuances can vary by jurisdiction, so it's best to consult with a lawyer for specific advice.

What are the laws in Maine concerning harboring a runaway. What will happen to the person harboring a runaway?

There is no law in the state of Maine, That will have you arrested for harboring a runaway.

Would a person get punished where they committed the crime or where they got caught?

The person would be tried and punished where they committed the crime. It is part of our justice system to be tried by a jury of our peers, and our peers live in our own neighborhood. So if the person is caught elsewhere, he is returned to the jurisdiction where he committed the crime to be tried. This is why the process of extradition is in place.

What can the police do to a person who takes in an 18 year old runaway in the state of Alabama?

At 18 years old, the person is considered an adult and then not a runaway.

What does warrant returned mean?

"Warrant returned" typically means that the court has received back a warrant that was issued, indicating that the subject of the warrant has been located and either arrested or otherwise brought before the court.

What is a person living as a fugitive called?

a runaway

What do you call a person who is running away?

A person who is running away can be called a fugitive, runaway, or escapee, depending on the context of their situation.

What do the three references to slavery in the Constitution touch on?

Slave trading was to be banned in the entire United States by 1808.Slaves count as three-fifths of a person for state representation in Congress.States were expected to return runaway slaves to their rightful owners.