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Q: What is the name given to the voyage of slaves from African to American?
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What Is the name given to voyage of slaves from Africa to America?

The name given to the voyage of slaves from Africa to america was the Middle Passage.

What is the name given to the voyage of slaves from Africa America?

The name given to the voyage of slaves from Africa to america was the Middle Passage.

Which American people were refused their freedom even after the declaration of independence?

African-Americans who were slaves were not given their freedom.

What name is given to the voyage of slaves across the Atlantic Ocean?

The Middle Passage

What did slaves eat in the mid 1800's?

African-American slaves in America ate what was given to them---little---or grew crops such as squash, corn, and beans. They didn't have it well until Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves in the Union.

What type of names did slaves have?

Slaves typically had traditional African names given to them by their parents, but slave owners often Anglicized or changed their names to suit their preferences. Some slaves were given names based on the region they were from in Africa or after famous figures. Many slaves also adopted surnames of their masters, leading to a mix of African and European names.

What were African American rights?

What rights were given to African-Americans wright/type what YOU think.

What year did slaves get the wright to vote?

Slaves were never allowed to vote. Male African-Americans or persons of color were given the right to vote in 1870.

Why did the African American patriots fight in the war?

Because their slave owners promised them that if the south wins, then the slaves would be able to get land, freedom and so on. Or the slaves were adjusted to their lifestyle and did not want to change it. They thought that the life they had was fine as is.

African American Reparations?

African American reparations were supposed to be a payment to relatives of people that were slaves. For a short period of time, people were given land and a mule, that was ultimately taken away.

What did servants wear in the 1800s?

Slaves often wore a shirt, overalls, and a hat for protection over the sun and rain. Kid slaves just wore a shirt

Were African-Americans and Native Americans enemies or friends?

From my Native American and African American background, I can tell you that my relative native american and african american families worked along side each other on the plantation. No, they probably didn't enjoy being slaves on a plantation, but it is evidence given from my 100 year old grandmother. She made a book about our family history I never forgot and the native american/ african american mixing was the most recent (meaning 1800's) further mixing of my already west indian family line. So, they were friends and a little more.