In 2005 the most common male name was James, and the most common female name was Mary, and the most common surname was Smith.
T he most common in the World is : Boy:Micheal Girl:Mariya Most common is the U.S: Boy: John Girl:Emily
Emily, Mary, or Hailey.
Lydia is the least common girl name in the US
According to the 2000 US Census, Smith is the most common surname. Smith2,376,206Johnson1,857,160Williams1,534,042Brown1,380,145Jones1,362,755Miller1,127,803Davis1,072,335Garcia858,289Rodriguez804,240Wilson783,051
The most common name for the males in the U.S.A are John.
Emily or Julie
According to the 1990 Census of the US:* The most common last name is Smith * The most common boy's name is James * The most common girl's name is MaryFirst name: James Last name: Smith
In 2005 the most common male name was James, and the most common female name was Mary, and the most common surname was Smith.
Smith is the most common.
In 2009 the most common last name is Williams
Based on recent data, the most common name in the US is Liam for boys and Emma for girls.
T he most common in the World is : Boy:Micheal Girl:Mariya Most common is the U.S: Boy: John Girl:Emily
Edward is the 19th most common male name in the US.
In the US: The most common female name is Mary and male name is Michael. The most frequently given female name is Isabella and male name is Jacob.
ILANA is the #2686 most common female first name. 0.002% of females in the US are named ILANA. Around 2450 US females are named ILANA.