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Q: What is the most common blood type in the US?
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What is the most common type of blood in us?

O Positive

What is The most common type of blood in the US population?

The most common blood type in the US population is O positive. It is estimated that around 37-39% of people in the US have this blood type.

What is the most ABO blood type in the United States?

The most common ABO blood type in the United States is O positive.

What is the rarest blood type in the US?

AB- 1%In the UK the ABO type that is most common is O, AB is least common and A is more common than B. However it is more common to be RhD +ve, hence O+ is the most common blood group in the UK, but the order of common blood types will vary depending on where a given person is from.

Is type A with RH negative common?

In the US, 34% of the population is A-positive- just over one third. Second most common.

What are the two most common blood types in the US?

The two most common blood types in the US are O positive and A positive.

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Least common blood type in US?

When discussing blood types, the two groupings most commonly used are the ABO (A, B, AB, O) and Rh (+, -) systems. The least common blood type in humans is Bombay (EXTREMELY rare), which is a type O with missing H antigen. Otherwise, of the "normal" ABO and Rh typings, the least common group is AB-. ABO from most to least frequent: O, A, B, AB. The relative frequencies of these groups varies depending on race. The relative frequences of Rh+ and Rh- individuals also varies with race. About 85% of "whites" are Rh+, while 99.8% of American Indians are Rh+.

What is The most common type of family for children in the US?

positive O