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The climate in the Miami's homeland is mostly mild weather.

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Q: What is the climate in the Miami Indian tribe?
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What did the Miami Indian tribe do for sports?

I think that the miami indians played lacrosse

What did the Miami Indian tribe drink?

babies milk

How did the Miami Indian tribe travel?

By using canos

What did the Miami Indian tribe live in?

Mat-covered cabins

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they lived in a dry climate...since they lived in a desert...

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the seminole lived in the everglades in florida.

What did the Miami Indian tribe eat?

corn bean squash rice lentils buffalo

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mostly dry and hot. hope i helped!!!!!!

What is the climate of the Seminole Indian Tribe?

Well, now the climate is hot and windy (rainy too)so i suppose it`ll be the same

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What were the roles of miami tribe

What was Nez Perce Indian tribe climate like?

hot and human rainy sometimes