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Since 1964: a profile of John F. Kennedy.

1948-63: Benjamin Franklin

1916-47: Miss Liberty in a walking pose, with a sunrise in the background

1892-1915: A profile of Miss Liberty

Before that: Various images of Miss Liberty, either a full portrait in a seated pose, a head-only image, or a bust-type image.

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Q: What is on the front of a US half dollar?
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Who is the president on the front of the half-dollar?

John F. Kennedy is currently on the obverse of the half dollar.

How much silver is in a 1972 US half dollar?

There is no silver in a 1972 US half dollar.

What is the value of US Bicentennial Lincoln half dollar?

The US didn't mint a Lincoln half-dollar for the nation's Bicentennial nor was there a half dollar minted for Lincoln's bicentennial, so you most likely have a privately-minted coin. All US Bicentennial half dollars have JFK's portrait on the front along with the dual dates 1776-1976. The reverse side has an image of Independence Hall.

What is a Half-Dollar?

a half dollar is a us coin that is half a dollar so 50 cents it is bigger than a quarter

what is a half dollar?

a half dollar is a us coin that is half a dollar so 50 cents it is bigger than a quarter

How much silver is in a 1962 US half dollar?

There are .3617 troy ounces in a 1962 US half dollar.

Who is on the front of the 1963 half dollar?

Ben Franklin.

1979 liberty half dollar?

A US half dollar with a date of 1979 is a Kennedy half dollar not a liberty half dollar. The coin has no silver and is only face value.

Why is John F. Kennedy on the US half dollar bill?

JFK is on the US half-dollar COIN. The US hasn't printed half-dollar bills since the 19th century. JFK was assassinated in November 1963. In 1964 his portrait was placed on the half dollar in his honor.

How much is 1912 US half dollar gold coin worth?

The US has never made a gold half dollar.

What is the value of a 1936 US 1 dollar coin?

No US $1 coins were minted between 1936 and 1970 inclusive. If your coin has a picture of Miss Liberty and the sun on its front, please turn the coin over; you'll find it's a half dollar. If so, there's more information at the question "What is the value of a 1936 US half dollar?"

What is the 1971 us half dollar worth?

About one dollar.