The current US $50 has a picture of the Capitol Building.
Note that every U.S. bill in current circulation has an identifying caption below the pictures on both sides.
Ben Franklin
The US $2 bill has a painting of the signing of the Declaration of Independence on its back.
== On the back of the US 100 dollar bill clearly states: 4:15 on the Independence Hall. However, on the back of the NEW US $100 bill, the time on Independence Hall is clearly 4:10.==
The US didn't print any $50 bills dated 1953. Please check your bill and post a new question.
Yes- Grant is shown in the US 50-dollar bill.
...Is worth $50.
The front has a portrait of President Ulysses S. Grant. The back has an image of the US Capitol building.
what statue is on the back of the ten dollar bill
Us $50 :-d
No president is IN a $50 bill. After all, it would be very cramped. The person ON a US $50 bill is President Ulysses S. Grant.
Ulysses s grant
Benjamin Franklin is on the US $50 bill.
No one is IN a $50 bill. After all, it would be verycramped.The person ON a US $50 bill is President Ulysses S. Grant.
Ben Franklin