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Crop rotation is basically where a farmer has three or more fields of crops. After each crop is harvested, the farmer moves the crops into different fields. So, if five fields were full of different crops, the farmer would move each crop into the field next to it.

Crop rotation is important to the cotton industry and most other farming industries, because different plants take and insert different nutrients in the soil. So, if you grew different crops in the same field, there would be a more balanced amount and variety of nutrients. Whereas, if you just grew, say, corn in one field, then the soil there would be rich in nutrients corn didn't need and lacking in nutrients the corn needed.

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Q: What is crop rotation how was it important to the cotton farming?
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How is crop rotation important to cotton farmers?

Crop rotation was important to farmers because it helped them out by making it easier to crop in the winter from different land in another state.

How you s crop rotation important to cotton farmers?

cheeze is good

How farming Cotton harmful to the soil?

The Cotton requires mass amounts of nutrients and sucks it from the soil, which is why farmers usually use crop rotation when producing cotton

How is crop rotation important to the cotton farmers?

Crop rotation is important to the cotton farmers because they need the nutrients from the soil for other crops so they don't use it all in just one kind of plant.

How is crop rotation important to the crop farmers?

Crop rotation is important to the cotton farmers because they need the nutrients from the soil for other crops so they don't use it all in just one kind of plant.

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# crop rotation # solar soil disinfection # soil fumigation # adding compost # green manure

How is cotton farming harmful to the soil and what was done to keep the soil usable?

Cotton plants require masive amounts of nutrients and they suck all the nutrients from the soil, what has been done to keep the soil useful is cotton farmers have begun crop rotating.

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What is being done about cotton farming damaging the soil?

crop rotation solor soil disinfection soil fumigation adding of green compost green manure

How was crop rotation important to the cotton farmers?

The growing of cotton as a cash crop took a toll on the health of the soil, rendering it impossible to grow other crops. By rotating the crops to different fields, the negative impact on the soil was nullified and promoted a high yield of cotton.

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Intensive farming for a farmer is to take several crops from his farmland in a year. The crop rotation for intensive farming is very important factor to maintain soil fertility also.

What is a type of farm?

Organic farming is the form of agriculture that relies on crop rotation.