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Conscription is another term for the military draft.

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Q: What is another word for the draft of the American Civil War?
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Related questions

What is subscription in the Civil War?

You might mean"CONscription" and if so that is another word for military draft,which is a legal requirement to serve in the military.

What is another word for the draft?


What is another word for pre-write?

rough draft is another word for pre-write.

What was another word for the Civil War?

Another common name for the American Civil War was the War Between the States. For more information on the many names of the Civil War including a list of alternative names for that war, please see the Related Links.

When the army people to be soldiers?

This is called conscription. The American slang word for it is "the draft".

When the army forces people to be soldiers?

This is called conscription. The American slang word for it is "the draft".

What was the draft called during the Civil War?

The draft law was used to force people between ages 21 to 45 to join the army unless they could pay the amount of money needed to get out of being drafted. Another way to refuse to join the army is to supply the army with another willing person, so you dont have to go. :)

What is another word for forcing people into service?

slavery ___ If you mean military service, then conscription and the draft.

What another word for black American?

African American

How many syllables does in the word draft?

The word draft has one syllable.

What is a homophone for the word draft?

The word "draught" is intended to be pronounced "draft."

What's an appropriate N word for civil war?

African American