Most uncirculated 1884-O Morgans grade from MS-60 at $47.00 to MS-63 that is $60.00.
If it has "copy" on it, then is not a real dollar.
A 1900-S Morgan dollar is worth $25-30 in average condition and nearly $200 in uncirculated condition.
This coin in circulated condition is worth around $23. this coin n uncirculated condition is worth around $7,000.
Currently a 1880 S Morgan silver dollar in MS65 uncirculated condition is worth $156.
Currently as of April 2012 a 1880 Morgan silver dollar in MS63 uncirculated condition is worth around 63 dollars.
In MS60 Grade uncirculated, a 1880 S Morgan Silver Dollar is worth about $52. In MS65 Brilliant Uncirculated, it is worth over $330.
If it has "copy" on it, then is not a real dollar.
$60 to $300 depending on grade of uncirculated, but most likely around $150.
This is a common date/mint Morgan dollar, retail for circulated coins is $17.00-$26.00 depending on grade. Uncirculated start at $35.00
List for this coin in MS-63 is $50.00.
A 1900-S Morgan dollar is worth $25-30 in average condition and nearly $200 in uncirculated condition.
Morgan dollars from 1921 are the most common Morgan dollar and even in uncirculated condition they don't command much of a premium over melt. They are worth about $30-35 depending on condition and silver price if circulated and perhaps $40 if completely uncirculated.
This coin in circulated condition is worth around $45. This coin in uncirculated condition is worth around $1,700.
This coin in circulated condition is worth around $23. this coin n uncirculated condition is worth around $7,000.
Currently a 1880 S Morgan silver dollar in MS65 uncirculated condition is worth $156.
This coin in circulated condition is worth an average of $27. This coin in uncirculated condition is worth around $185 depending on quality. This is not a rare date for Morgan dollars.
The paper dollar is worth about $5 in uncirculated condition -- the coin dollar is worth about $15 in uncirculated condition