

What is a southern rebel?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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a person from the south in the civil war

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Q: What is a southern rebel?
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What was a rebel during the civil war?

A rebel was a confederate so a rebel just was a southern man in the civil war,

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What was the Confederacy in the Civil War?

The rebel southern states

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The Confederate States of America.

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The Confederacy, The Rebel States, Dixieland.

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The album by Jim Arnold, Southern Soul, was produced by Rebel Records of Roanoke VA.

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The Rebel States were the Southern states - which formed the Confederacy.

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it is called the rebel states and the confederacy or confederate side.

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The Rebel States

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No. Lincoln was the newly-elected President that the Southern states were rebelling against.

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Southern Army (also called the Confederate Army, Rebel Army, Gray Coats).

Is Missouri a Yankee or rebel state?

It was a rebel state