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Despite what you might see in the popular media, the correct form of address for a former President of the United States is to use the title of the highest post that he held before becoming president. This courtesy was established by George Washington; the only exceptions to this rule are for former presidents that go on to hold other posts after their administration has ended (Taylor, who became a Senator, and Taft, who became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court).

Thus, William Clinton should be addressed as "Gov. Clinton", as he was governor of Arkansas. G. H. W. Bush should be "Ambassador Bush", as he was ambassador to the UN. G. W. Bush should be "Gov. Bush", for his term in Texas. And President Obama will become "Senator Obama" once he leaves office.

To see Miss Manners for more on the history of former presidential addresses, use the link below.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Despite what you might see in the popular media, the correct form of address for a former president of the United States is to use the title of the highest post that he held before becoming president. This courtesy was established by George Washington; the only exceptions to this rule are for former presidents that go on to hold other posts after their administration has ended (Taylor, who became a Senator, and Taft, who became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court).

Thus, William Clinton should be addressed as "Gov. Clinton", as he was governor of Arkansas. G. H. W. Bush should be "Ambassador Bush", as he was ambassador to the UN. G. W. Bush should be "Gov. Bush", for his term in Texas. And President Obama will become "Senator Obama" once he leaves office.

See Miss Manners for more on the history of former presidential addresses - there is a link below.

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11y ago

Despite what you might see in the popular media, the correct form of address for a former president of the United States is to use the title of the highest post that he held before becoming president. This courtesy was established by George Washington; the only exceptions to this rule are for former presidents that go on to hold other posts after their administration has ended (Taylor, who became a Senator, and Taft, who became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court).

Thus, William Clinton should be addressed as "Gov. Clinton", as he was governor of Arkansas. G. H. W. Bush should be "Ambassador Bush", as he was ambassador to the UN. G. W. Bush should be "Gov. Bush", for his term in Texas. And President Obama will become "Senator Obama" once he leaves office.

See Miss Manners for more on the history of former presidential addresses:

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14y ago

It is custom to do so. Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and both Bushes are addressed in this way; so were Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan.

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12y ago

yes. The formal mode of addressing the President is Mr. President but after the first greeting Sir is ok.

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13y ago

It's common to refer to him as "Mr. President", but not as "Mr. Obama" while he is still in office.

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15y ago


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Q: Are former presidents still called President?
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What six presidents are on US coins?

This is an interesting question. Technically, all deceased former presidents have appeared or will appear on a US coin.1 cent - Abraham Lincoln - 16th President5 cents - Thomas Jefferson - 3rd President10 cents - Franklin Roosevelt - 32nd President25 cents - George Washington - 1st President50 cents - John F. Kennedy - 35th PresidentAdditionally, Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th President, appeared on the dollar coin between 1971 and 1978.Presidential "golden dollars" are being issued at a rate of 4 per year until 2017, depending on how many former presidents are still alive at that time. By law, no living president can appear on a US coin.

Which coin or dollar bill is John Adams on?

His portrait on a 2007 Presidential dollar. All former presidents will eventually appear on these coins, except for those still alive at the time.

What portraits are found on US paper currency?

Presidents on Current bills:George Washington on the $1 bill Thomas Jefferson on the $2 billAbraham Lincoln on the $5 billAlexander Hamilton, not a president , on the $10 billAndrew Jackson on the $20 billUlysses S. Grant on the $50 billBenjamin Franklin, not a president, on the $100 billFranklin Roosevelt is on the dime and John Kennedy is on the half-dollar which is still made but rarely seen. Eisenhower was a 1$ coin for a while. All the presidents up through Garfield have appeared on the ongoing series of $1 coins that will show all dead presidents eventually ans which is still in circulation.(Discontinued denominations:William McKinley on the $500 billGrover Cleveland on the $1,000 billJames Madison on the $5,000 billWoodrow Wilson on a $100,000 gold certificate , never in circulation.)

What organizational decision made by the first congress are still in effect today?

Organizational decisions that are still in effect include: the president has the right to veto laws; the president has two four-year terms; the president has a cabinet.

Explain the three ways a president can organize his or her personal staff?

The Pyramid structure, the Circle structure, and the Ad Hoc structure. The Pyramid structure uses a hierarchy system in which the president is the head. The Chief of Staff collects information from the White House staff and then reports it to the president. The president is generally open to the press in this model and is not overburdened with processing a large amount of information. However, the president only hears what the Chief of Staff tells him, which allows for accidental or purposeful withholding of information. Examples include Presidents Eisenhower and Reagan. The Circle structure, or the wheel-and-spoke structure, keeps the president at the center of processing information. The structure demands strong leadership from the president as he deals with everyday staff. The Chief of Staff plays a smaller role in this structure. Although the president has more control, the time and effort of going through a plethora of information can be overwhelming and the president may loose sight of the big picture. Examples include Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Kennedy. The Ad Hoc structure is one that is often used in businesses. The president acts like a CEO, employing committees and special advisers to sift through information and advise on policy. The president may then make educated decisions on his policy agenda. This structure is similar to the Pyramid structure in the flow of information except that the there are multiple sources, not just the Chief of Staff. The information is still based on the discretion of advisers, though, and is not always unbiased. Examples include Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush.

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No. Former vice presidents are referred to with the highes honorific they had achieved prior to becoming vice president. Example - a Vice President that was a Senator before becoming Vice President would be referred to as Mr. Senator after he left the Vice Presidential office.

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no, this way if the president dies, the vice president is still there to replace him

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Former presidents are not called "Mr. President" - at least, not by those who remember their history. Despite what you might see in the popular media, the correct form of address for a former president of the United States is to use the title of the highest post that he held before becoming president. This courtesy was established by George Washington; the only exceptions to this rule are for former presidents that go on to hold other posts after their administration has ended (Taylor, who became a Senator, and Taft, who became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court). Thus, William Clinton should be addressed as "Gov. Clinton", as he was governor of Arkansas. G. H. W. Bush should be "Ambassador Bush", as he was ambassador to the UN. G. W. Bush should be "Gov. Bush", for his term in Texas. And President Obama will become "Senator Obama" once he leaves office.

How many past presidents are we still providing protection for their families?

According to the Former Presidents Act, protection is provided to the spouses of past presidents for their lifetime. Currently, this includes the living spouses of living former presidents.

Is Abraham Lincoln still president?

No! Barrack Obama is president. Abraham is the one of the first presidents

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Yes, presidents cry. They are still human and still have human emotions.

Could any president still be alive these days?

Yes there are plenty of presidents still alive.

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he was one of the presidents in cuba and is still a president now

How do you address a former US president in writing?

Yes, they can still be addressed as Mr. President.

What US president had 5 US presidents attend his funeral?

There have been three times in U.S. history in which a U.S. President died leaving behind five living Presidents, including the incumbent.When John Tyler died on January 18, 1862, former Presidents Martin Van Buren, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan were still alive, and the incumbent at that time was Abraham Lincoln.When Richard Nixon died on April 22, 1994, former Presidents Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush were still alive, and the incumbent at that time was Bill Clinton.When Ronald Reagan died on June 5, 2004, former Presidents Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton were still alive, and the incumbent at that time was George W. Bush.

Has president George W. Bush ever been shot?

no, he is still alive he is done being our president but he is still alive

Which former president's bedroom can't be seen?

Several presidents do not have any houses or bedrooms that are open to the public or even still standing. Of those whose homes are open to the public, I think Madison's bedroom has not been restored and is not open to be seen.