That's a known serial number from 1950s-60s replicas, and it's not worth anything.
Check the serial number. The vast majority of Confederate artifacts are replicas and counterfeits, and that includes currency. Lists of known replica serial numbers can be found online, and such bills are worth next to nothing.
Approximately $956 in our day
If that 0 is actually a 6, it's a known reproduction, and isn't worth anything.
That's a known serial number from 1950s-60s replicas, and it's not worth anything.
Check the serial number. The vast majority of Confederate artifacts are replicas and counterfeits, and that includes currency. Lists of known replica serial numbers can be found online, and such bills are worth next to nothing.
Approximately $956 in our day
That serial number indicates it's a replica bill and not the genuine article. It has curiosity value only.
If that 0 is actually a 6, it's a known reproduction, and isn't worth anything.
No way to assess worth with only the serial number.
hi what is your name?well we don't know what its worth yet so go ask someone else please
how much is a Winchester 1859 worth with the serial number 2330126
Impossible to value with only the serial number.
Impossible to value a weapon from only the serial number.
What would a Martin custom acoustic serial number 1419578 be worth