The Yuan is the base unit of both former and present day Chinese currencies. A 1941 CNY of 100 Yuan is equal to 312.86771 USD. Currently, one Chinese Yuan equals 0.16 US Dollar.
A 1941 US half dollar in good condition is worth about $9. If it is in uncirculated condition, it would be worth about $26 to $40.
The US didn't print any bills dated 1941.
100 dollars
the average price is about 0.10 to 0.90 cents in US currency
The Yuan is the base unit of both former and present day Chinese currencies. A 1941 CNY of 100 Yuan is equal to 312.86771 USD. Currently, one Chinese Yuan equals 0.16 US Dollar.
$1.00 US = $6.77 Yuan
As of today (02APR2011), 1 Yuan is worth about $0.1527 US Dollars. $1.00 US Dollar is worth about 6.5 Yuan.
1 Chinese yuan is equal 0.16 US Dollar. So 1,000,000 yuan worth about 160,000 US Dollar. Ref:
it is worth about 15 US cents!
1944,10000 Yuan's in dollars is 30920132.8600 US dollars
it is worth 2,305.05793 yuan
This is 20 Chinese Yuan. As at 11Oct09 20 Yuan was worth 2.92 US Dollars.
it is £25
If you mean the Chinese yuan, as of 5/24/12 the yuan is worth about sixteen cents, meaning one US dollar is worth about 6.33 yuan.
whats a one dollar Yi Yuan converted into US money