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cotton gin

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Q: What invention led to an increase in the number of slaves who worked on a plantation?
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What invention led to an increase in the number of slaves who worked on plantation?

cotton gin

Did the amount of slaves decrease or increase after the invention of the cotton gin?

The invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney in 1793 led to a major increase in the number of slaves in the United States. The first census in 1790 counted 697,897 slaves, but by 1810 that number had grown 1.2 million slaves and increase of about 70%!

What invention led to an increase the number of slaves who worked on plantations?

cotton gin

What invention led to an increase of the number of slaves to work on plantations?

cotton gin

What one event led to the rapid increase in the number of slaves in the south?

the invention of the cotton gin

What one event led to a rapid increase in the number of slaves in the South?

the invention of the cotton gin

What invention led to a huge increase in the number of slaves in the South?

The cotton gin led to a huge increase in the number of slaves in the South. This happened because the cotton gin caused more cotton to be produced.

What agricultural invention designed to increase production had the effect of increasing the number of slaves needed for labor in the South?

The cotton gin

What invention lad to an increase in the demand for slaves?

Cotton gin

What invention led to an increase in the slaves in the south?

The cotton gin

Dramatic increase of slave labor force from 1810 to 1860?

The natural population increase of American born slaves

What agricultural invention designed to increase production had the effect of increasing the number of slaves needed for labor in the deep south?

The cotton gin