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Jan - 13:

1) The first African-American labor convention of the "Colored National Labor Union"

2)The National Convention of African-American leaders meets in Washington DC.

Jan 20 - Elizabeth Cody Stanton becomes first woman to testify before Congress. This would be the first hearing as the National American Woman Suffrage Association obtained a hearing before Congress every year to 1919 as the 19th Amendment was ratified in 1920.

Feb 2 -James Oliver invents removable tempered steel plow blade.

Feb 6 - Harper's Weekly magazine publishes first picture of Uncle Sam with chin whiskers.

Feb 15 - Charges of Treason against Jefferson Davis are dropped.

Feb 19 - The US Assay Office in Boise, Idaho authorized.

Feb 20 - Tennessee Governor W.C. Brownlow declares martial law in the Klu Klux Klan crisis.

Feb 23 - Louisiana legislators override Governor Henry C. Warmoth veto of the public accommodations law (be fair to all races and religions).

Feb 26 - The 15th Amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing the right to vote passed through Congress and is passed to the states.

Feb 27 - John Menard is the first African-American to make a speech to Congress.

Mar 3 - The University of South Carolina opens it's doors to all races.

Mar 4 - Ulysses S. Grant is inaugurated as the 18th US President.

Mar 6 - Dmitri Mendeleev presents the first periodic table to the Russian Chemical Society.

Mar 13 - Arkansas legislature passes anti-Klan law

Mar 16 - Hiram R. Revels is the first African-American to make a speech in the US Senate.

Apr 8 - American Museum of Natural History in New York City opens.

Apr 9 - Hudson Bay Company ceded it's territory to Canada

Apr 10 - Congress increases the number of Supreme Court Justices from 7 to 9.

Apr 12 - North Carolina legislature passes anti-Klan law.

Apr 13;

1) America's first African-American diplomat, Ebenezer Bassett, is appointed to serve in Haiti.

2)Steam power brake is invented by George Westinghouse is patented.

May 10 - Golden Spike driven, completes Promontory Point UT-Transcontinental Railroad.

May 15 - The National Woman Suffrage Association is formed.

Jun 1 - The Voting Machine invented by Thomas Edison is patented.

Jun 8 - Ives W. McGaffey patents the first vacuum cleaner in Chicago.

Jun 9 - Charles Elmer Hires sells his first root beer soda in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Jul 1 - The US Mint located in Carson City, Nevada opens.

Jul 6 - Dr. J.H. Harris, a black candidate for the Governorship of Virginia loses.

Jul 9 - Concord pipe made from small corn kernels is invented.

Jul 15 - Margarine is patented by Hippolye Méga-Mouris for use by the French


Aug 1 - The first voyage down the Colorado River is made.

Aug 10 - O.B. Brown patents the moving picture projector.

Aug 23 - The first carload of freight containing boots and shoes arrives in San Francisco from Boston.

Aug 24 - The waffle iron, invented by Cornelius Swarthout, is patented.

Sept 24 - Black Friday; Wall Street panics after Gould & Fisk attempt to corner gold.

Oct 16 - Hotel in Boston becomes the first with indoor plumbing.

Nov 15 - Free postal delivery is formally inaugurated.

Nov 17 - The Suez Canal in Egypt opens linking the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.

Nov 24 - American Woman's Suffrage Association forms.

Dec 10;

1)Wyoming Territory is the first legislature in the United States to grant women the right to vote.

2)The first American chapter of Kappa Sigma is founded at the University of Virginia.

Dec 28 - William Finley Semple of Mount Vernon, Ohio, patents the chewing gum.

In Sports, the Cincinnati Red Stockings becomes the first professional baseball team on March 15th.

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