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if they tried to runaway they would of got some kind of punishment like a finger cut of or a leg. and if they did ran away they would died. or been hung.

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Q: What happened to slaves when they tried to runaway?
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What were runaway slaves called in 1861?

They were called fugitives. A fugitive is a runaway slave

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Runaway slaves didn't have code names.

How did runaway slaves try to avoid getting caught?

Runaway slaves tried to avoid getting caught by seeking refuge in underground networks like the Underground Railroad, disguising their appearances, using false documents or identities, and sometimes living in remote areas or blending in with free Black communities.

How did slave owners handle runaway slaves?

They would hurt the slaves.

What animal did bounty hunters use to find runaway slaves?

Bounty hunters used blood hounds to cach runaway slaves. : o

What happened if slaves tried to run away?

If slaves tried ran away or tried to make an attempt to run away, they would be punished . Most people say they were whipped or were not fed food for days or had to do more work around the area.

What is a sentence with runaway?

In the 1800s, runaway slaves would be captured by marshals and returned to their owners.

How many runaway slaves died?

50,000 slaves died while they were runaways