if they tried to runaway they would of got some kind of punishment like a finger cut of or a leg. and if they did ran away they would died. or been hung.
Because they can offered a reward for runaway slaves.....Then
They were called fugitives. A fugitive is a runaway slave
Over 100,000 slaves made it to the north
be quiet fool
More slaves tried to run away (APEX)
They would be killed or punished
Because they can offered a reward for runaway slaves.....Then
Maroons were runaway slaves from the west indies,north america,central america and south america.These runaway slaves also called maroons lived on mountaintops. Slaves who ran away and set up free communitiesch morons maroons were runaway slaves
They were called fugitives. A fugitive is a runaway slave
Runaway slaves didn't have code names.
Runaway slaves tried to avoid getting caught by seeking refuge in underground networks like the Underground Railroad, disguising their appearances, using false documents or identities, and sometimes living in remote areas or blending in with free Black communities.
They would hurt the slaves.
Bounty hunters used blood hounds to cach runaway slaves. : o
If slaves tried ran away or tried to make an attempt to run away, they would be punished . Most people say they were whipped or were not fed food for days or had to do more work around the area.
In the 1800s, runaway slaves would be captured by marshals and returned to their owners.
50,000 slaves died while they were runaways