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Slaves grew rice in swampy areas.
There was an increase in the demand for slaves in the early 19th century because of the increased population and farming industry.
When states decided to grow more cotton they needed more slaves to harvest it. This meant that the number of slave held captive went up.
do your dang homework
Decreased Rapidly
whatever the reasons, the collapse of Maya civilization happened gradually, and in addition, as the population grew, the demand for food would have increased.
the machine thAT increased the demand for slaves was the cotton gin
Yes, Jamestown did have slaves in 1620. The first recorded arrival of African slaves in Jamestown was in 1619, though slavery did not become fully institutionalized at that time. By 1620, the presence of African slaves in Jamestown was increasing as the demand for labor in the colony grew.
picked what they grew
tobacco in Virginia and also cotton
Her and her whole family grew up as slaves.
The cotton trade was the main cause for a dramatic increase in the number of slaves in English colonies. After the Industrial Revolution in Britain, there was a need for cotton. As demand increased, the number of slaves needed to plant and harvest it grew.
The aztec slaves grew crops and cleand the other aztecs houses
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