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Q: What group had the greatest influence on colonial life in new England colonies?
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What is colonial regions?

The New England colonies, the Middle colonies, and the Southern colonies.

Which colonial area had the longest life expectancy out of the Southern Colonies Middle colonies or New England colonies?

New England.

What has been the greatest influence on England law and government?

what has been the greatest influence on England 's law and government

What is Massachusetts colonial region?

New EnglandIt was a New England colony. The New England colonies were the colonies that were in the north.

What was England's greatest obstacle in trying to rule the American colonies?

The distance between the colonies and England.

What Colonial region grew a lot of wheat?

New England Colonies

How did religious beliefs and dissent influence the new England colonies?

because they need more ppl to believe in them so they could try to influence New England into colonies

What colonial region was largely English puritan?

New England colonies

Which colonial region had the shortest border with the backcountry?

new england colonies

What is the definition of colonial regions?

A colonial region is a region where colonies inhabit the land. For example, New England in the United States was a colonial region.

Did colonial come before enlightenment?

No, before. The word colonial derives from colonies. Colonies are owned or ruled by a parent country. In the case of the American colonies it was England. After the revolution they were independent, that is, they were no longer colonies.

The colonial governments were similar to Great Britain's except the colonies?

the queen of england