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Immediately after the United States of America won its independence its national government was founded on a document called the Articles of Confederation.poop

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Q: What governed American colonies after their independence was declared?
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What did the Declaration of Independence do?

On July 4, 1776, the American colonies declared their freedom from British rule.The (US) Declaration of Independence asserted a philosophy of government that any government can only rule with the consent of the governed, and that the basic purpose of government is to protect people's rights. It gave many examples of how the government of Great Britain -- and, in particular, King George III -- had violated the rights of the colonists and so lost their consent. It then proclaimed that, as a result of this, the colonies issuing it (the 13 English colonies in North America) were free and independent states.It declared the 13 English colonies in North America "free and independent states", no longer under the rule of Britain and its king, and it listed, for the world to read and consider, reasons "for the separation", viz., a variety of complaints against King George III.The Declaration of Independence declared the colonies independence. It expressed to other nations why the colonies felt forced to leave Great Britain.

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dictators governed latin american nations after independence

When was the US founded?

The United States of American began on June 12, 1788 when New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the US Constitution. The colonies declared their independence from Britain on July 4, 1776, but it a took a long war to actually attain independence. On October 19, 1781 , Lord Cornwallis surrendered his army to Washington, but it was not until September 3, 1783 that the treaty ending the war was signed and Britain conceded American independence. Until the constitution was ratified the colonies governed themselves as separate states.

After winning their independence from England the colonies were reluctant to what?

be governed by a stong central government

After winning their independence from England were the colonies reluctant to be governed by a strong central government?


What did the declaration of Independence's do?

On July 4, 1776, the American colonies declared their freedom from British rule.The (US) Declaration of Independence asserted a philosophy of government that any government can only rule with the consent of the governed, and that the basic purpose of government is to protect people's rights. It gave many examples of how the government of Great Britain -- and, in particular, King George III -- had violated the rights of the colonists and so lost their consent. It then proclaimed that, as a result of this, the colonies issuing it (the 13 English colonies in North America) were free and independent states.It declared the 13 English colonies in North America "free and independent states", no longer under the rule of Britain and its king, and it listed, for the world to read and consider, reasons "for the separation", viz., a variety of complaints against King George III.The Declaration of Independence declared the colonies independence. It expressed to other nations why the colonies felt forced to leave Great Britain.

How were the colonies during the American revolution governed?

They weren't. It was Everyman for them selves.

What was some of the things declarpendence of independnce changed?

The Declaration of Independence changed the legal status of the 13 American colonies from British subjects to independent states. It also declared that governments derive their power from the consent of the governed, introduced the concept of unalienable rights, and outlined the grievances against King George III and Parliament.

Before the mid 1700's the American colonies were largely self?


How were the colonies governed before federation?

The colonies were governed by state government.

What does The Declaration of Independence invokes the principle of?

The Declaration of Independence founded the US government on the principles of human liberty and consent of the governed. The Declaration of Independence announced that the thirteen American colonies would no longer be a part of the British Empire.

What governed the middle colonies?

The Colonies governed themselves but were technically run by the British.