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not sure but i think its what goes up must come down

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Q: What did the wright brothers say that became famous?
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What state did the wright brothers land in?

North Carolina, but you could say the Wright brothers landed in a state of euphoria, if you were being punny.

Who made the first manned flight?

The Wright Brothers (Good answer. I was going to say the Montgolfier brothers ... they flew in 1783.)

Who invented the planes?

Orville Write and Wilbur Wright are generally credited with inventing and building the world's first successful airplane

Which wingspan is longer a Boeing 747s or the aeroplane in which the Wright brothers made the first flight?

The Boeing 747. Some say that the Wright Brothers first flight could have taken place INSIDE the fuselage of the B747. The Kitty Hawk Flyer flown by the Wright Brothers would happily sit on one wing of a 747, with enough room for the Spirit of St Loius, the Bell X-15 and probably more.

What was Wright brothers famous for?

Air Travel......Planes They were the first ones to fly an aeroplane in a controlled way - so first controlled human flight with a winged machine, so-to-say. There were numerous other attempts before Orville and Wilbur Wright, but they ended somewhat less happily (Ikaros / Icarus from Greek mythology is the first one to spring to my mind).

How old was kesha when she became famous?

Actually famous, i would say 19/20 when she preformed "Right Round"

Did the wright brothers invent astronauts?

You could say No, the Wright brothers invented the first machine that could fly under its own power that came to be known as the aeroplane. But you could say Yes, because without powered flight there would be no space program so there would be no astronauts. It's hard to imagine a space program but no aeroplanes.

How did Woodrow Wilson become famous?

I'm going to say he became famous by becoming president of Princeton University and then became governor of New Jersey then he eventually became president of the United States. Hope this helps.

Who the first to think of the idea of planes?

The brothers which after name is named "Wright" /MetaCry they where the first to fly not the first to think it, Yes they we´re first to "think it" as you say.

Who is the most famous architect in the world?

I would say that it seems to be either Frank Lloyd Wright, or Frank Gehry. I would say the latter, who has become a household name nowadays

How did justiin bieber become a star?

i used to watch the videos he posted before he became famous it also says in the commercial for his new movie "never say never" that he became famous because usher saw him on youtube and talent scouts say him on youtube can get you famous fast so that is what happened to him...

Would you still be single if you became famous?

NO way theyll date you because thayll have a right to say "hey im dating a famous person"