There is no definitive answer to this. It is thought that is was applied to describe those poor white workers who labored in the fields in Georgia and other southern states. It is also attributed to miners who were members of a union and that would wear red scarves around their necks so they could easily distinguish one another. Since they would not be in a position to get red necks from working underground the red scarf may symbolize the plight of the poor white worker underground and when emerging from a day in the mines looked like black slaves. Therefore the former had given rise to the latter. Red neck is now attributed to a non-conformist, an independently minded individual that is not swayed by public opinion or accepted values. Originally an observational thing and somewhat derogatory like the term wetback to describe a lazy immigrant Mexican worker. Which implied that he had been leaning against a wall asleep and that was the cause of his shirt back being wet otherwise the sun would have dried the shirt.
Redneck is slang for a stereotype-it can be any town with a large number of them in the opinion of the one referring to it
it come from Arabic language.
from miners who wore red neck "bandana's. They were protesting mining conditions.
A common use of this phrase would be, "Where did you come from?"
The German translation of redneck is:ProletBauerBauerntrampel
see if he has a red neck , if so then he's redneck
you know your a redneck when you come from a rural area and act as such
There isn't really an antonym for a noun, but the closes thing is "thrift store".
One is redneck.
My Big Redneck Vacation - 2012 Come on Irene 1-4 was released on: USA: 11 February 2012
Redneck Woman' is a debut song by Gretchen Wilson and it was released in 2004. It was the lead-off single to her multi platinum debut album 'Here for the Party'.
Jeff Foxworthy has come up with a careers worth of "you might be a redneck" jokes but they don't really tell the story. The term "redneck" used to imply someone who worked outdoors for a living and had a sunburned neck. To many these days it means someone who cherishes his/her freedom, wants less interference from the government and more or less just wants to be left alone to take care of themselves and their family.
Redneck Island - 2012 What Goes Down Must Come Up 1-9 was released on: USA: 18 August 2012
I don't believe anyone says that. If someone did, it would probably be a redneck. I don't really think this is a valid question.
you cant become a redneck you have to be born into it. but we all have a little redneck in us.
That really depends on who you're dealing with. A lot of people say it, but sometimes people like rednecks or people you know, like on a farm, or country would be considered a 'redneck' if they say it.