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Q: What did the us go into World War 1?
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In what side did the US go in for world war 1?


When did the US go to War World 1?

The US entered World War 1 on April 6, 1917. It remained in the war until it ended about a year and a half later.

Why did America go to war World War 1?

The US entered the war for a variety of reasons

How did the world war 1 affect the economy of the US?

it caused the economy to go down

Why did the us go to World War I?

the united states went to world war 1 because they felt that their position as neutral country was violated

Who did US go against in World War 1?

The US battled the central forces, which were Germany and Austria-Hungary.

How long did world war 1 go on before the us got involved?

one year

Why was it not possible for the US to go back to a policy of isolationism after world war 1?

After World War I, the US was plunged into the Great Depression. In order to protect its economy and physical security, they had to participate abroad.

Did the us troops go to France to fight in World War 1?

Yes, Americans were in France in WW1.

How did World War 1 afect the US?

world war one affect the us they had get a alot of money

Who had fought the US in World War I?

Germany fought the us in world war 1

Who did the US help in World War I?

The US helped France in world war 1 with submarines in the Atlantic.