It helped make the south very rich. The only problem is that that industry depended on the sweat and labor of slaves and when slavey ended so did the South's fortunes.
By inventing cotton gin.
Cotton gin. Cotton gin made cotton production more profitable.
The cotton gin made selling cotton profitable with slave labor.
The Cotton Gin helped the slaves pick the seeds out of the cotton>
Cotton Gin
By inventing cotton gin.
The cotton gin was popular at the south. The south used it a lot because that is where most of the crops and cotton grew. They used the cotton gin to grow cotton but then it was hard to clean the cotton gin. This should help not the one before!!!!!
by making the cotton gin to help the slaves with their work
first of all, what is the cotton gin and where is the south? please answer my question xx
Cotton gin. Cotton gin made cotton production more profitable.
The South became the cotton producing part of the country because of the cotton gin. Promoted "cotton-picking" by slaves, and therefore, promoted slavery.
The cotton gin helped us by making it easier for slaves to produce cotton.
The cotton gin made selling cotton profitable with slave labor.
The Cotton Gin helped the slaves pick the seeds out of the cotton>
The cotton gin increased production of cotton exponentially in the south. Which increased the economy in the south greatly. The south then began to increase in the number of slaves so they could produce even more cotton. The south was more wealthy then the north and it increased slave trade even more. The cotton gin made relations with north and the south even more tense.
after the cotton gin was invented