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Some of the best officers of the US Army had resigned to join the Confederates.

Traditional advantage in cavalry - most young Southerners could ride and shoot

Officer class - the army was a more natural choice of career for sons of rural landowners than in the industrial North.

Rank-&-file - a more soldierlike breed, a generally aggressive kind of people

Home-ground advantage - most battles were on terrain unfamiliar to the enemy

Stronger war-mission - to defend the homeland against the invader.

Their President did not have to face an election in mid-war, as Lincoln did.

(At the beginning) Prospect of recognition and military aid from Britain and France.

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Q: What did the South see as its advantage in the US Civil War?
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becauca they stink becauca they stink

What advantages did the south have in the civil war that eventually backfired?

When speaking about the advantages or disadvantages about participants in a war, opinions will differ on all aspects of them and whether they were indeed advantages and if so, to what degree. The US Civil War takes it place with the history of wars in history, and as with all of them are different historical opinions. Here is an example of what many historians agree on about the Civil War. What they agree on is that it cannot be said with any degree of certainty, the Union blockades had on the outcome of this war. Here we see a problem already with answering the question. With all that said, one distinct advantage of the South was the amount of territory the Union had to conquer. As the war began, the Union had quite a task as the Confederacy was huge in size and the South only had to wage a defensive war. These cost less to wage in terms of money and soldier casualties. This advantage turned into a disadvantage, however, in part just because of its size. To the dismay of Confederate leaders, the South did not have enough military might to protect all of the South. What developed was Union victories in areas that were indefensible. This cost the South morale and territory. So, here we see an advantage turned into a disadvantage.

What were the generals name of the south during the civil war?

He was William Tecumseh Sherman.Answer:There were numerous generals in both the Northern and Southern armies during the American Civil War (See Link). As the North eventually carried the war to the South there could even be said to be Northern generals in the South at some periods.

How did the salvadorian Civil War start?

See website: Salvadoran Civil War

Where did the Civil War happen between the north and south?

The opening battle of the American Civil War occurred at Fort Sumter on April 2, 1861. Fort Sumter is located in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. See more at the link(s) provided below:

How was slavery linked to the civil war?

The slave-states were outnumbered in Congress, which tended to pass laws unfavourable to the South. This led the South to see itself as a separate nation.

Why was the cause of the civil war?

because the south wanted slavery and the north didnt The cause of the civil war, was that most of the northern U.S. did not want there to be black slaves in the south. The southern U.S. did not agree because their slaves were also their main source of income. As you can see, the north won.

What can you see at the Mill Springs Civil War Museum in Nancy Kentucky?

You can see a variety of displays related to the Civil War in the Civil War Museum in Nancy Kentucky. Among the displays are Civil War pictures and extensive uniforms and weapons.

What plan did Hitler set in motion as a result of the Spanish Civil War and why did he feel free to pursue his plan?

Adolf Hitler helped Franco in the Spanish Civil War. Hitler army had an advantage to test their weapons and tactics, and sharpen their battle skills in the Spanish civil war. And because he wanted to see who would not fight against him in the future.

What issue divided the North and the South in the US Civil War?

The north considered the main issue in the war to be slavery. The south considered the main issue in the war to be state's rights. So as you see they weren't even fighting over the same issues!

Why did freedom reign in the South after the Civil War?

The idea is that slavery ended. If you look around now, you'll still see slavery in the USA.

Why did the US Civil War?

All because of the slaves and the economy was bad and they had to have war to see ifthe econmony would change and it did change . THE NORTH AND THE SOUTH COULD NOT AGREE ABOUT TRADE LAWS. THE NORTH AND SOUTH COULD NOT AGREE ABOUT SLAVERY.