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Upper Canada was one of the first few places to abolish slavery.

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Q: What did Canada think about slaves coming to ther contre?
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How did slaves get to Canada?

Slaves in Canada were mainly brought by American Loyalists fleeing the United States after the American Revolution. Some were also brought by Loyalists from the Maritimes or Upper Canada. Slaves were considered property, so they were brought by their owners.

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I think it was called" The underground railroad.

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I think that it's coming out in August because if it came out in u.s.a in May that means after 3 months it will come out in Canada

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i think it was slaves (yeah it was slaves)

Do slaves think?

Yes Being that slaves where people they do think. They thought about freedom.

When is Pokemon gray coming out in Canada?

i would think that it would come out in summer 2012-summer 2013 or never. it probabbly will though

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Well I think that they didn't have slaves

How many slaves did Alexander ross help?

i think it was 31 slaves