

Best Answer

1 - The Indian War in the North West 1791 - 1794

2 - The Naval Warfare against France 1798-1801

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Q: What conflicts did the US face in the late 1700s?
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What was colonial Virginia's government?

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The late 18th Century (1700s)-

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In 1776, the American Colonies delcared their independence from Great Britain.

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The major source of energy in the US during the late 1700s to mid-1800s was wood. With abundant forests, wood was used for heating homes, cooking, and powering early industrial processes before coal began to take over as the primary energy source.

What stands for liberty on the us flag?

Red, white and blue are the colors of freedom and liberty. It's from the flag of France, first used in late 1700s.

Why did reasons the US shipping industry flourish in the late 1700s?

The development of a large merchant marine, the invention and spread of steamboats, and the expansion of domestic shipping.

Why did reasons in the US shipping industry flourish in the late 1700s?

The development of a large merchant marine, the invention and spread of steamboats, and the expansion of domestic shipping.

How did the US and its government change in the late 1700s and early 1800s?

In the United States, during the late 1700s, the founding fathers will just starting to establish a governmental system with a constitution. During the early 1800s, the government was fully functioning and using its power to end the slave trade and purchase more land in the West.

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What is the value of a 1444 us half dollar?

No half dollars would be minted until the late 1700s in the US so such a coin couldn't have existed. Please post a new question with the proper year.

How did the articled of confederation contribute to economic problems of the us in the late 1700s?

Under the Articles of Confederation, the US Congress did not have the power to impact the economy. It could not enforce nationwide laws, or enact measures such as tariffs.