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Q: What city in Newfoundland did the Mayflower land?
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What is the city north east of Montreal?

Newfound land.

Where did the pilgrams start their journay?

The pilgrims on the Mayflower traveled from Great Britain, to Newfoundland and then to America.

Did the mayflower land in massachusett?

did the Mayflower come to Massachusetts?

Is there a state that has a city named mayflower?

There is a city in Arkansas by the name of Mayflower.

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What is the capital city of new found land and labrodor?

The capital city of Newfoundland and Labrador is St. John's.

What is the capitel city of Newfoundland?

St. John's is the capital city of the island of Newfoundland.

Where in Newfoundland did Cabot land?

Cabot landed at Bonavista, Newfoundland.

Did John Cabot land in Newfoundland but think he was in Asia?

Acully,he knew it was Newfoundland.

WHERE did the titanic strike the iceberg?

Titanic was under 400 miles from the nearest land, Newfoundland, and about 963 miles from her destination, New York City.

What the capital of Newfoundland?

Newfoundland and Labrador's capital city is St. John's.

Where were they when the iceberg hit?

Titanic was under 400 miles from the nearest land, Newfoundland, and about 963 miles from her destination, New York City.