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Q: What changed after the Treaty of Utrecht for the French the British and First Nations?
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Why do you think European nations supported the colonists rather than great Britain?

The French and Indian War had drastically changed the balance of power in North America. The French and Spanish had lost a large expanse of valuable land to the British. The European Nations decided to help the colonists because they (the Europeans) were enemies themselves of the British.After the Seven Years War and French and Indian War, Britain became the major power in Europe. Spain and French, the two European nations that aided the colonies during the American War of Independence, had a lot to gain if Britain lost.Not that much happened. While the French helped the Colonies fight on land, the British soundly defeated any attempts to take the West Indies, which were of higher importance.Some European nations such as France and Spain supported the colonists because they thought once they got Great Britain out of the picture than they could take control of the colonists.To cut Britain down to size. They certainly had no reason to support Britain, which was keeping them out of its colonial trade. Empire is a cut-throat business, and the last thing you want is someone else having one.The foreign nations that supported the colonists were either at war with the British, or were afraid of Britain declaring war on them. France took a big chance when they supported the colonists.

Was the French the first to bring slaves to America?

It is the British which did and then the French followed.

Which trade did both the French and British colonists want control over?

Both the French and British colonist wanted control over the fur trade. The result of the fight was the French and Indian War.

Which statement is a valid comparison of the way the British and French treated Native Americans?

the british sought to displace the native americans while the french treated them more as trading partners.

Who was involved in Queen Anne's War?

The French, England, and British fought in Queen Anne's War. The French and England fought together. British was by itself.

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As a result of what treaty did the French lose their colony in North America to the British?

Treaty of Utrecht, 1714

What did the British acquire from Spain in the Treaty of Utrecht of 1713?

they acquired the strategic base to attack the French main camp. Made the French fear them for days.

When were the First Nations of Canada established?

it was established by the french and the british.

What were the three nations involved in the seven year war?

the three nations involved were the french the spanish and the british

Which nations were largely controlled by imperial powers during the 19th century?

Many nations in Africa and Asia. Latin America was colonized by Spain, Portugal and French. In North America by British and French. In Asia- British, French, Dutch, Japanese, In Africa- British, German, Belgian, French, Potugese etc etc.

What nations came to aid the struggling Americans after the defeat at saratoga by the british?

The French

Why did the British and the French have a war in America?

Because both nations wanted to colonise.

What collection of nations refused to help the British fight the French?

Native anericans

Why did British parliament pass the Quebec act in 1774?

the british took over the first nations and french canadiens meaning that their land, language and religious rights and the culture. the first nations and french canadiens had to follow the british rule in the royal proclamation. therefore the quebec act in 1774 was to save the first nations and the french canadiens from the british meaning they had their culture, lanugage, land, and religious right taken back.

Why did the Indians help the british in the French and Indian War?

They actually helped both sides. The Iroquois, Cherokee, and Catawba helped the British and the other nations helped the French.

Were First Nations and Europeans allies?

The Hurons were allied with the French and the Iroquois were allied with the British

Who have the French fought?

Gremans, Russians, British and Spanish... These are just large nations they have fought