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Q: What best expresses Southerners' views of Northerners?
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group b

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Northerners and Southerners were not ready to resort to violence to abolish slavery

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Many northerners opposed the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, viewing it as a violation of their principles and an affront to their beliefs in freedom and equality. They saw the law as an extension of the institution of slavery into free states, leading to increased tensions between the North and South on the issue of slavery.

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I suggest that the number which best expresses it is 29028.

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The Southerners blamed the slave rebellions on the Northern abolitionists.

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What statement Best characterizes the reaction of southerners to the slave uprising?

THE southerners blamed the slave rebllions on the northen abolitionists

WHAT statement best characterizes the reaction of Southerners to the slave uprisings?

THE southerners blamed the slave rebllions on the northen abolitionists

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To end the war.

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